Category Archives: Uncategorized

Book Pick: “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell


This month, I’ve been reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. It’s really a fantastic book. Mitchell is a master at giving his characters distinct voices. If you don’t know, the book consists of 6 nested stories. Each story ends halfway through, and the next one, set in a later date, starts. Each story revolves around a singular character and is conveyed as a different form of storytelling, by one way or another.
Halfway through the book itself, the sixth story, set in a post-apocalyptic future, is the only story told all the way through. Then each story is finished  working backwards.

That might seem like a disjointed way of writing a book, keep this in mind: according to the author, one character in each story is the same person reincarnated. When you think about that and look at the piece as a whole, you realize it becomes about the human condition: our struggles and  triumphs and flaws and defining qualities. You’ll find something to connect to in at least one of the characters, if not a few.

Yes, I started reading it because of the much anticipated movie coming out at the end of the month, but I was quickly taken in. When the center story ends, the book’s inertia is at its peak and the whole thing moves like a falling rollercoaster as each story is resolved.

Though it may seem daunting, having it broken up into six stories makes the book easier to read than expected. I highly recommend it and before the movie, if you can.

By the way, the movie does not share the books format. Instead, it’s told by jumping around to and from similar scenes from each story line. Honestly, knowing that kind of turns me off. Though, I know I’ll still go see it.

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Email Newsletters: Convenient or Antiquated?

I have a question: do email newsletters work? To ask another to the same point: does anyone like them?
Most of my favorite blogs offer them. They spin them as convenient things. Oddly enough, I find that antithetical especially to the ones that go on about clearing in box clutter.
Frankly, the less email I get, the better. I use this awesome service called Unroll.Me which has kept my “bulk” label empty for months.
Most of the blogs I care about, I follow in Google Reader (via Feedly) and Twitter (via Flipboard). Both are forms of RSS and I read, at least skim, what really interests me within the respective app. If I really like something, I pocket it, or save it to Evernote.
My inbox is for work communication, personal and family updates, and notification from my online courses. Not news.
What I want to know is if there are people who do read news via email.

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My Review of Roku 2 HD Streaming Player

Originally submitted at Roku

Simply the best value in high-definition streaming.

Lots of content, little package

By Ravel from Albuquerque, NM on 1/26/2012


4out of 5

Pros: Reliability, Easy to use, High quality picture, Built in Wi-Fi, Compact, Great value, Easy to set up

Cons: Want more video choices, Inconsistent performance

Best Uses: Secondary TV, Living room, Primary TV

Describe Yourself: Netflix fan, Early adopter, Movie buff, Home entertainment enthusiast

I use the product as my main source of TV. I have recently got rid of cable and thought this would be the best alternative. Its hooked up to my HDTV in my living room. I have Pandora, Netflix and Hulu Plus subscriptions and I also follow many Revision3, TWiT, CNeT and shows. Having access to all of those in one place straight to my TV is awesome. The setup was super simple and quick. The sound and video quality is great. One complaint I have is with the remote: I sometimes have to press a button two or three times to get a response, even when pointing it directly at the box. Another complaint I have is with the content providers and not Roku, not all channels stream all the content available on a Web Browser and some channel interfaces don’t take advantage of what Roku has to offer, like the options button on the remote.
Over all, its a great value and perfect for a user like me who would rather watch movies and internet videos over live sports.


Under Construction

BTW the site is going under some big changes, so don’t expect things to stay the same

Zombie Post

NO! This blog isn’t dead! I have a lot of free time lately, so I will be blogging once again! Some posts to look forward to include my new Roku 2 box and TV setup!

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