Category Archives: Android App Picks

Any.DO – Android App Pick

Basically, it’s a simple to do list with a clean interface, easy to read font. It syncs with a Chrome extension and Google Tasks it also regularly saves a back up of all your tasks in case of accidents.

Using it is, again, simple. Start typing in the top bar to add a task, or use Android’s voice dictation. As you type, Any.DO drops down suggestions to auto complete your task.

Long tap to move, swipe right to “check” a task, left to “un-check.” Shake to clear completed tasks (gimmicky). Note, there is a small bug. When you move the task, it drops to the folder above it. There is an option in the note menu to change folder by hand.

Tasks are sorted either by date or folder. You can select an app as a priority and that adds a red bar. When you set a due date and time, a pop up reminder, not a native notification appears.

I love it. Design and simplicity are front and center. It is also available on the iPhone and, coming soon, a web app.


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