Category Archives: Drawings & Sketches

Random Drawings 1

Here are a couple of things I drew. The first one I drew in my moleskin during a class. The second, on the gimp. I might use them in some designs.

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A piece I did really fast in the GIMP.

“Awesome Fist”  by Ravel ( is licensed under the CC by-nc-nd license. For more info, visit

24 Hour Comics Day @ Harwood Art Center

Hey! Just letting you know that next Saturday is 24 Hour Comics Day. (I know I missed several other obscure holidays like International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Celebrate Bisexuality Day, both of which I celebrated being NEITHER bisexual nor a pirate.) I will also be celebrating 24HCD the Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque, NM as part of my art class.

If you don’t know what happens during 24HCD, comic artists create 24 consecutive comic book pages in, you guessed it, 24 hours. If I so choose, I could join them, but it’s half assignment, half field trip. For my class, I only need to draw and turn in 6 panels. But I might stay, not sure.

After the event, and when I get the drawing back, I’ll post it here. And some pictures.

If by some odd chance that you live near the ABQ area, check it, out it’s free. It’s organized by 7000BC, a group of comic artists from the area that my instructor is friends

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Roses for Amanda

Some roses I drew for Amanda.

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